Suteki House
The design of Suteki House was unveiled at the 2017 Edition of Street of Dreams - an annual event that presents a range of residences from the City of Happy Valley, Oregon. The project forms Suteki’s first U.S. home, with the company planning on building more dwellings in the region.
Suteki Houseのデザインは、オレゴン州ハッピーバレー市のさまざまな住宅を紹介する毎年恒例のイベント 「Street of Dreams 2017 Edition」 で発表されました。このプロジェクトは、Sutekiの米国初の住宅となり、同社はこの地域にさらに住宅を建設する計画を立てている。
We brought a unique cross-cultural concept to our designs, combining the best modern American amenities with the timeless Japanese principles of strength, harmony, and balance with nature.
Location: Portland, United States Period: 2016 - 2017
Key Program: Private house
Scope: Architecture and Interior design Site Area: 4000 m2
Total floor area: 618 m2
場所: ポートランド、アメリカ合衆国
主要プログラム: プライベートハウス
範囲: 建築およびインテリアデザイン
A continuous veranda - Engawa in Japanese - means more rooms can immediately connect to the garden. The veranda provides a transitional place to be outside but still feel the interiors stretching outward. These spaces offer covered outdoor space, an in-between open and well-scaled space. The proportion of the depth and height of the eaves allows us to calibrate the spaces relative to human scale. The depth of the covered areas matches the functions: entry, outdoor living, etc.
連続した縁側 (日本語で縁側) は、より多くの部屋がすぐに庭につながることを意味します。ベランダは、外にいながらも室内が外に広がっているのを感じる過渡期の場所です。これらのスペースは、屋根付きの屋外スペースと、その中間にある開放的でスケールの良い空間を提供します。軒の深さと高さの比率によって、空間を人間のスケールに合わせて調整できます。
The garden, designed by Sadafumi Uchiyama, maximizes views from inside and outside the home, while a continuous wooden deck borders the house. Here, residents and their guests are sheltered by the home’s deep eaves, which allow the outdoor space to be enjoyed throughout the year. “Embracing the surroundings, insisting on natural materials, sustainability, and transparency creates a space where people can experience nature more completely and intimately” was one of the essential ideas of traditional Japanese architecture.So well as Mililab.
The street-facing facade is designed in such a way that it would create various spatial experiences within different distances, or in other words, at different scales. At greater distances of an urban scale, it holds a solid gesture to create barriers between the public and the private. However, a more welcoming and warmer image created by the wooden material would be perceived as one approach closer to the house.
街路に面したファサードは、異なる距離、つまり異なるスケールで様々な空間体験を生み出すようデザインされています。 都市規模の距離が遠くなると、それは公共と私の間に障壁を作り出す確かなジェスチャーを保持します。 しかし、家に近づけば近づくほど、木の素材によって生み出される、より親しみやすく温かいイメージが感じられるでしょう。